Here is a helpful chart put out by Organic Gardening. Often times it is difficult to know when to start seeds. This handy chart should be printed and hung up by your calendar and reviewed daily. Don't know your frost dates? http://www.victoryseeds.com/frost/
I'll take the time later to learn how to embed the links, but for now that will work.
I keep asking the LORD when and where we are to go. It is a possibility that He wants me to be content this year without a garden. Will I accept that or kick against the goads? Will I grumble and complain ? "Do ALL things without grumbling and complaining," Why? It continues: "that you may prove yourselves to be blameless and innocent, children of God above reproach in the midst of a crooked and perverse generation, "(talk about relevant)"among whom you appear as lights in the world, holding fast the word of life..." Phillipians 2:14-16a
It's not that I can't plant anything. I already have garlic growing in my one and only houseplant as you can see above. (That is not where I wanted the picture but I'll learn how to do that too!! You wouldn't believe how long it took me to get that there.) Unfortunately, houseplants and I have never gotten along. I can grow an awesome garden but a houseplant is a mystery to me. Sigh
The binoculars you see in the picture are for watching hawks. We have quite a few inside the city limits. And yesterday there were deer tracks in our front yard! In fact, Duane saw it crossing the street when he was going to work at 5am.! We are smack dab in the middle of town. I think they are coming in to eat the bushes. We have a bunch of snow again so bush eating is better than pawing at the ground to dig up something! It still seems weird though I am told that the town got so overrun with deer that they allowed bow hunting on the edges of town recently.
Nobody hunts anymore. I'd like to learn. C'mon, it's almost free food!
Hey! My son in central PA hunts and his wife even enjoys it! They eat the venison all year long! Here in sub/urban CT (NYC metro area) we also have deer and today I saw 7wild turkeys in the yard! I think the human race is taking over the land that belonged to the deer and turkeys and they are now forced to forage in the suburban areas. Not a good thing. LOVE your photos! Praise God!
Thanks Lindy! I've been watching your blog too! I think you have a real knack for writing about the Lord. Just learning about photos stuff. It still takes me awhile. Thanks
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