Sunday, July 27, 2008

Here is our herb garden with plenty of flowers. I love white petunias! On the patio are potato plants in pots. I've been wanting to try it so since we had so many sprouters left over from last year we decided to give it a try. They are starting to flower and should be mature in 4-6 weeks. Yukon Gold. The herb garden was rocky hardpan clay! Covered in weedy grass. We both feel lawn is a waste of space and since many herbs are irradiated these days, we planted dill, garden sage, tarragon (French) thyme, oregano, 4 different kinds of basil, 2 different kinds of lavender, pineapple sage (I just like the bush and it smells awesome), echinacea, calendula, spearmint, and a knock out rose in the middle of it all. Petunias and marigolds round it out. I love it. I have always desired to put one of these in. It was a lot of hard work. After turning it up and shaking the dirt off the grass roots (which we added to our compost pile) we picked out multitudes of rocks. This is right near the house so the soil is full of rocks from when they built. We amended the soil with Michigan peat and composted cow manure. Then tilled it again and pulled more rocks. Since herbs can take or leave rich soil, they have flourished. But many flowers and herbs I planted did not come up. Maybe next year with finished compost on it. I used some of the dill last night in a "dill crock". I bought a 2 gallon crock and followed Euell Gibbons directions in my thrift store buy, "Stocking Up" by Rodale. We used dill, cauliflower, green beans, garlic, more dill, onion chunks, pepper flakes and more dill on top. Then we put 1 measure of salt to 10 measures of water and mixed it until the salt dissolved then added it to the crock, put a salad plate on top, and weighted it down with a glass jar 1/3 filled with water. The food must stay under the brine or it goes bad. This a.m. I added 1/4 cup of salt on top of the plate and skimmed off a little scum. It should be ready in 2 weeks. We are keeping it in the livingroom which stays between 70 -80 degrees. We'll see! Oh yeah, I also put in little rock hard green tomatoes. I hope it works. The art of fermenting foods (way better than pickled stuff) is almost lost. I'm going to learn this, I really am.


~ Lindy ~ said...

Interesting post....
I love herbs and only have a few potted for myself since moving into a 2nd floor apt. I grew up in the same small community where Euell Gibbons lived and worked. (VERY rural, central PA) Glad to hear there are still people interested in his work.

Duane & Patricia said...

Did I tell you Lindy that I use to live in PA? North Wales. That was about 25 miles NW of Philly. Wow! I miss those sandwiches! We looked in 5 counties around there to buy a house in '04 but they were way out of our league so we ended up buying one in a really rural town in Ohio. Been trying to sell that for the last 2 years! But God's not interested in selling it yet! I hope you are doing well. thanks for writing!