Saturday, February 16, 2008

Seed catalogs. Don't you love their beauty? And optimism. I like to hold on to the best ones and cut out their pictures to add to letters and with which to make my own cards. I often write to persecuted brothers and sisters on blank cards and glue the brightest flowers and animals I can find on the paper since I read about Corrie ten Boom's prison time and how the world of prison is so drab that when her sister would write she always included colorful papers to add brightness to Corrie's time there. You can also go to thrift stores and pick up National Geo or "Country" magazine. These always contain stunning photos to use. Please write to those who are suffering. In fact let me give you one to write to: Pator Zauer Balaev
Location: Azerbaijan. On May 20, 2007, Pastor Zaur Balaev was arrested for “conducting an illegal religious meeting” in his home village in Aliabad, Azerbaijan. In August, he was sentenced to two years in prison under Article 315, Part 1, for allegedly violently resisting the police during a raid. The authorities first claimed that Pastor Balaev released a dog on police, but have since claimed he attacked five policemen and damaged a car door. During the trial, some witnesses reported that police had pressured them into testifying against Pastor Balaev.We invite you to write a letter of encouragement to Pastor Balaev. We have experienced incredible results when readers write to believers who have been imprisoned for their faith. The letters make a difference, often resulting in shorter prison terms. Please send a letter of encouragement and let Balaev know you are praying for him and other believers in Azerbaijan. Also, write to the Azerbaijan government requesting that Balaev be released. Let your friends know about suffering Christians in Azerbaijan and encourage them to pray and write to Balaev. Get involved! Pray for and write to Pastor Balaev today. Here is the address to use:
Zaur Balaev
Ordinary Regime Prison Colony No. 10
Narimanov raion District
It costs 90 cents to ship an ordinary size envelope. If you already haven't checked it out, check out This is the Voice of the Martyrs website from whom the above is copied off.
"Remember those in chains as if bound with them"

Back to seed catalogs. My favorite hasn't arrived yet. That would be the Seeds of Change catalog. They are a company out of New Mexico. I've known them since 1995 when their offices were next to the coffeehouse I worked at. They only sell organic seeds. As one of their folks said, "If you aren't using organic seed what's the point?" Of course there isn't always a choice available and even organic organizations recognize this. But there really isn't that much that isn't available organically. You just have to search a little harder. However, if you are planting trees and bushes and those fruits that take a couple a few years to arrive at plenty I wouldn't worry too much about it if you plant them in unpoisoned ground and continue in organic procedures.www. Come Spring!

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

My times are in Thy hand-Ps31:15

Like all gardeners, I have been perusing the seed catalogs for the last month. Some are taking a cue from Wal-Mart and sending them out in November. We were just coming off of a difficult move when the first ones arrived. There was not even a spark of desire within then.
Now, however, I am itching to get started. Big itch that can't be scratched. We have rented a house in Warsaw that is ours until the end of April. Sits 2 blocks kitty-cornered from a foundry on the main street through this town of 30,000. Even if it wasn't a postage stamp size yard who would want to eat something after who knows what has been falling from that smoke plume 2 blocks away?
We have thought about extending our stay BUT you can't open the windows because of the noise and road grime in the spring and summer. Plus there are permanent storms over all but 2 windows upstairs. It actually is quiet with all closed up for the winter. However, it is rather unnerving some nights when your bed shakes continually like an earthquake with a rating of 1 on the Richtor Scale is going on. I would guess that to be from the foundry.
Not only that but we still haven't sold our house in Ohio. So making two payments, mortgage and rent, is putting a real squeeze on resources. Here I have to stop and thank the LORD for always keeping us faithful to paying our bills, giving us an awesome harvest last year despite the latter rains, putting up more of it than ever before (insert 2 words here:hard work), finding totally pastured pork and beef at a really decent price-meaning neither one of us felt we were being taken advantage of by the other. (I will be covering the subject of organic pricing soon.)
Back to the itch. Needless to say we must find a less expensive place to live with hopefully a place big enough to grow at least enough for our needs and to help at least one other family. At the same time Duane is looking for a new job.Many recruiters, some phone interviews, some face to face. One offer turned down and one withdrawn. The house in Ohio is the monkeywrench in the works. Because of it our requirements are much greater. We can't rent it since we are too far away to be on call. Taking a job further away wouldn't make any sense either. So we continue to make it a matter of prayer. We have laid it all out before the LORD and trust Him to sell it when He wants it sold. Not a copout--truth. Besides the title verse I suppose the next big verse that speaks of
God sovereignly planning my days is in Ps 139:16 "Thine eyes have seen my unformed substance; And in Thy book they were all written, the days that were ordained for me, when as yet there was not one of them." And since He is the one who forms us in the womb (Jeremiah 1:5, Isaiah 44:2), calls us forth from the womb (Isaiah 49:1) and carries us through old age(Isaiah 46:4), I know I can trust Him. I can testify to this very thing .

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

What to expect

You can expect to hear us talk about The Word of God, organic gardening, sacrifice, changes, real food and milk, godliness, integrity, animals, and stewardship.
You will NOT hear us say that we can save the world through organic gardening, sustainable farming, twisted lightbulbs, meditation, positive thinking, or horse and buggies.
Our heroes are men and women that stand on the Word of God though they lose their jobs, friends, families, health, and lives because of it.
We love The Living God, each other, family, food full of good stuff and flavor, faithful friends, sunshine, truth, work that makes you sweat, animal antics, growing anything(even old!), and the Word of God--not somebodies paraphrase.
We believe in the Doctrines of Grace and the 5 Solas.
We believe in the baptism of believers.
We're sure lots more will be covered, but that should give you an idea . Our God is a great and awesome God. To Him be the glory.

Sunday, February 10, 2008

It's Time

Well, here we are finally writing a blog! May Christ be glorified in it. I wish we had started this when we really had the farm, but since that didn't happen we'll start now and watch together what God will do about a new one!
This is mainly to keep family and friends up to date on the many odd details that can accumlate in the life of one dependent on the grace and mercy of Christ--odd to the outside world at least!
For those who don't know us or aren't sure what we are talking about: we fancy ourselves organic farmers for the express purpose of glorifying God. God is not glorified by the poisoning of our neighbors and family, nor in the destruction of the soil, organisms, or animals that live off, under, or around the portion He has alloted to our use.
Our entire existence is about Christ, and being conformed into His image (Romans 8:29), so you will read alot about what He is doing in our lives (and He has alot of work to do, we know) and those we come in contact with and love.
If you wish to post a comment, please be polite. Foul language will not be tolerated.