Wednesday, February 13, 2008

My times are in Thy hand-Ps31:15

Like all gardeners, I have been perusing the seed catalogs for the last month. Some are taking a cue from Wal-Mart and sending them out in November. We were just coming off of a difficult move when the first ones arrived. There was not even a spark of desire within then.
Now, however, I am itching to get started. Big itch that can't be scratched. We have rented a house in Warsaw that is ours until the end of April. Sits 2 blocks kitty-cornered from a foundry on the main street through this town of 30,000. Even if it wasn't a postage stamp size yard who would want to eat something after who knows what has been falling from that smoke plume 2 blocks away?
We have thought about extending our stay BUT you can't open the windows because of the noise and road grime in the spring and summer. Plus there are permanent storms over all but 2 windows upstairs. It actually is quiet with all closed up for the winter. However, it is rather unnerving some nights when your bed shakes continually like an earthquake with a rating of 1 on the Richtor Scale is going on. I would guess that to be from the foundry.
Not only that but we still haven't sold our house in Ohio. So making two payments, mortgage and rent, is putting a real squeeze on resources. Here I have to stop and thank the LORD for always keeping us faithful to paying our bills, giving us an awesome harvest last year despite the latter rains, putting up more of it than ever before (insert 2 words here:hard work), finding totally pastured pork and beef at a really decent price-meaning neither one of us felt we were being taken advantage of by the other. (I will be covering the subject of organic pricing soon.)
Back to the itch. Needless to say we must find a less expensive place to live with hopefully a place big enough to grow at least enough for our needs and to help at least one other family. At the same time Duane is looking for a new job.Many recruiters, some phone interviews, some face to face. One offer turned down and one withdrawn. The house in Ohio is the monkeywrench in the works. Because of it our requirements are much greater. We can't rent it since we are too far away to be on call. Taking a job further away wouldn't make any sense either. So we continue to make it a matter of prayer. We have laid it all out before the LORD and trust Him to sell it when He wants it sold. Not a copout--truth. Besides the title verse I suppose the next big verse that speaks of
God sovereignly planning my days is in Ps 139:16 "Thine eyes have seen my unformed substance; And in Thy book they were all written, the days that were ordained for me, when as yet there was not one of them." And since He is the one who forms us in the womb (Jeremiah 1:5, Isaiah 44:2), calls us forth from the womb (Isaiah 49:1) and carries us through old age(Isaiah 46:4), I know I can trust Him. I can testify to this very thing .

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